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Yellowstone Explored Trip Planner and Travel Guide

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Yellowstone Explored Trip Planner & Resource Guide

This book will help you plan your trip to Yellowstone and be a great resource to guide and record your adventures when in the park. The book contains an individual and detailed map of each of Yellowstone’s 14 road sections showing you exactly where things are located and key information to help you better experience and explore them. Includes:

  • All of Yellowstone’s iconic features
  • Campgrounds & Lodging
  • Picnic areas
  • Hiking trails
  • Historical points
  • Fishing spots and the flies to use
  • Best places to see the various wildlife
  • Family adventures
  • Special programs and events

A journal entry page and animal check off list for each road section so you can record your experiences and thoughts as you make memories. This book is the perfect companion to help you plan for and explore Yellowstone.

Resource pages for at-a-glance reference for rules and regulations, lodging reservations, campgrounds, backcountry camping, fishing regulations, hiking preparedness and precautions, bear awareness guidelines, medical clinics, service stations, and a Yellowstone National Park Calendar – What’s going on in Yellowstone during each month of the year Month.

Yellowstone Calendar

The calendar lists many park events and happenings going on during each month of the year. Information that can help you plan those special events you definitely want to see and experience. For example, that time of the year when you can witness the migrating cutthroat trout leaping up the Yellowstone River at LeHardy Rapids. Or, when Christmas is celebrated in Yellowstone National Park and the details for involvement.

A detailed map of each of Yellowstone’s 14 road sections. These maps include additional sites or points of interest, beyond what is on the Yellowstone Map your get at the park entrance, that you may want to visit - those “hidden gems” often missed by park visitors. For example, a visit to Duck Rock and the chance for a fantastic backdrop to snap a family photo.

Map of a road section

Written Information

Important and helpful information for each and every site on the map is presented that can be a valuable source of detailed information to help you decide if a specific “site” is where you want to stop and spend some of your time while in the park. For example, is a specific trail you are considering hiking the type and distance suitable for children, or rewarded at the end of the trail with an iconic waterfall, geothermal feature, beautiful landscape and photo op.

We often capture via photograph those iconic sites, majestic features, and amazing wildlife for future reference. We believe recording your thoughts and impressions, memories made, and special experiences in written form can and will also provide lasting memories to be cherished when you look back upon your experience and adventures in Yellowstone. At the end of each road section is a page to record those special events and thoughts for future reference. In addition, an animal check off list allows you to record the animals you see – exactly where and the unique circumstances of the encounter – and the fish you caught.

Journal Page & Animal Checkoff List

Resource pages

This at-a-glance reference provides important information of things like select rules and regulations to be aware of, lodging accommodations and how to make reservations, campground guidelines and capabilities, backcountry camping guidelines and how to make reservations, fishing regulations and important precautions, hiking preparedness and precautions in Yellowstone’s rapidly changing weather conditions and unique precautions for your safety, bear awareness guidelines – what to do and not to do to avoid or deal with an encounter, location and hours of medical clinic and service stations. Your ready reference when you need it.

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Yellowstone Explored Trip Planner and Travel Guide
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