This picnic area has a large parking area, restroom, and garbage canisters. It is located right off the road, and close to the shore of the Lake. Five picnic tables are spread out on a gently sloping hillside down to the shore. Approximately 150 yards from the shore is a sand bar that stretches for hundreds of yards as it parallels the shoreline. During the spring you can often spot elk on the sand bar feeding on the lush bushes and grasses that are in concentrated patches along the bar. You get a good view of the West Thumb part of Yellowstone Lake.
Note: located approximately ½ mile east of this picnic area is a pull off where you can access the sandbar. During the hot summer months park visitors park at this pull off and walk out onto the sand bar where you will see them spread out along the sand bar enjoying picnicking, wading, playing water games and enjoying family time.